Helping widows
We have many poor widows and other poor women who need to be trained in sewing clothes so they can start their own businesses and make enough income to provide for their families. In 2019 we were able to train a total of 12 women. But there are many more poor families that need this opportunity. Can you help us? Each woman needs to be provided with 1 sewing machine which costs $150 USD. Also, each woman will need start-up sewing supplies which include material, thread, and scissors which will cost $80 for 1 person. We will group ladies together so that each group has 1 teacher. Each teacher will cost $70 each month for 3 months of training. When each lady successfully completes training, then each one will need $300 for materials and supplies to start her own business.
If you can help the Christian community gathered around Healing Hands Ministries of Pakistan in this project, you can contact me or Pastor Qaisar.
God bless you